High growth country generally have poor stock returns

In developing countries, high growth country, many profitable, large-scale, and monopolistic companies are state-owned or even unlisted companies. If companies that benefit from economic growth are not listed on the market and shared with the majority of shareholders, it will be difficult for the stock market to reflect the fruits of the country’s economic growth.

A series of Intel decisions led to where it is today

In Intel’s sixty years, the company has only had eight CEOs. But there are only two kinds of these eight: extremely good and terrible. The performance of these two types of Intel CEOs can be said to be very different: Intel decisions during their respective tenures resulted in the current miserable state of Intel we see.

Why Shopify is so killing?

The problem is there are hundreds of listed e-commerce companies in the world. But why only Shopify can suddenly emerge and let Bezos of Amazon target it as the only competitor?

There are indeed monopoly in this world

There are indeed monopoly in this world, Buffett said that a moat is the competitiveness of a business economy. Most companies have many competitors because a profitable industry attracts competitors to join in for a piece of the pie.

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