Bitcoin ETF spot trading approval has far-reaching impact

Bitcoin ETFs are listed on mainstream exchanges, which can reach more investors such as retirement funds, investment institutions, and retail investors, inject huge capital into the crypto market, expand trading volume, and accelerate the acceptance of ordinary people.

How big a factor does luck play in investment success?

Luck does play an important role in success, but it is definitely not the most critical or important “determining” factor – this is the reason for whether a person can be successful in life.

How does the all-powerful Huawei make money?

No company in modern corporate history has ever won this honor. You can imagine the importance of this enterprise. The United States has discovered the signs of Huawei’s development. For the first time in history, the Department of Defense replaced the Department of Commerce to supervise Huawei.

Satya Nadella brings Microsoft back to glory

Satya Nadella is the third CEO of Microsoft. He took over the job from the underperforming Steve Ballmer in 2014. His performance so far can only be described as impressive. To describe with admiration. Due to his highly recognized performance, Nadella also served as chairman of Microsoft on June 16, 2021.

Why is AMD’s performance so jaw-dropping?

The market has strong demand for artificial intelligence chips, and AMD’s newly released artificial intelligence chip MI 300 series products are regarded as another option to break Nvidia’s monopoly in this area, and have won immediate purchase order from several of the largest customers in the market.

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