Why is Alibaba spin-off unanimously optimistic?

Alibaba’s current market value has been underestimated by the capital market for more than three years, and it is difficult to improve in the short term. A spin-off is the most effective way to increase Alibaba’s corporate value.

Tencent vs. Alibaba, part two

Tencent vs. Alibaba, I have written several in-depth articles about Alibaba and Tencent, two of the largest and representative technology giants in contemporary China, on my blog, and they have received enthusiastic responses from many friends

The biggest risk to hold Chinese stocks, taking Alibaba and Tencent as examples

The biggest risk to hold Chinese stocks, taking Alibaba and Tencent as examples

Why do many Chinese companies want to be US listed?

Why do many Chinese companies want to be US listed? According to statistics at the end of October 2020, there are 26 Chinese companies going to the U.S. for IPOs in 2020. Everyone must be very suspicious that China has its own three stock exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.

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