For Taiwanese stock investors investing in U.S. stocks

Taiwanese stock investors

Huge difference between Taiwan and US stocks

Taiwanese have short experience in US stocks

Nine out of ten Taiwanese who invest in US stocks are experienced investors in Taiwan stocks, and they have started to invest in US stocks in recent years. At least for myself, I have not met any Taiwaness I know who only invests in US stocks and not Taiwan stocks like me.

Someting to say

It is for this reason that after publishing two U.S. stock investment books “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing” and “The Rules of 10 Baggers“, and writing this blog on U.S. stocks for two years, after actual exchanges with many people, I feel deeply that I should write some heartfelt suggestions for Taiwanese investors who want to invest in US stocks.

US stock market is not just an enlarged version of Taiwan stocks market

Taiwan’s economic scale has been dominated by ODM thinking in the past 30-40 years. The total GDP growth is actually very slow, and the industrial development is extremely unbalanced. Nearly 70% of the weight of Taiwan stocks is electronics, information communication, and semiconductors; and the representative companies in this 70% are almost all foundries, and few have their own international brand products.

However, China and the United States are the top two economies, and they are the only two superpowers in the world that almost include more than 150 sectors (For details, see my complete industry list on pages 108-109 in the book “The Rules of 10 Baggers“) defined by the United Nations. The only difference between the two is that China is the only one that includes the compelete sectors. It is slightly less, mainly in basic raw materials, manufacturing and complete supply chain. This is reflected in the companies listed on the stock markets of the two countries.

Therefore, Taiwan stock investors must not think that the U.S. stock market is just a market with a market capitalization larger than that of Taiwan stocks. Moreover, U.S. stocks have a history of nearly 200 years, while Taiwan stocks have only 60 years at best.

Moreover, the U.S. stock market is an extremely globalized market, covering listed companies in any industry that you can think of, even industries that you have never heard of, with diverse industries and many choices. Almost all world-renowned companies have Listing on the U.S. stock market can be said to be a showcase for the global economy and industry. What it represents is not only 30 times the market value, but also regulations, capital, and transaction activity. For example, the Yuanta 0050 ETF, which represents the Taiwan stock market index, only has 50 composite, but the S&P 500 Index, which represents the US stock market, has 500 composite.

Taiwanese should adjust themselves to US stocks

The following major differences that I have observed, or the deeply rooted misconceptions of Taiwanese investors, suggest that investors should make thorough adjustments when investing in US stocks. Because the stock market you are going to invest in is nearly 30 times larger than Taiwan stocks in terms of market value, the world’s largest (The total market value of US stock markets accounts for about 45% of the world), most efficient, and recognized as the most progressive capital market.

What Taiwanese investors should do is to adjust themselves to adapt to the US stock market, rather than reviewing the US stock market with the way they invest in Taiwan stocks, otherwise your investment prospects in the US stock market are really worrying.

Foreign capital blamed for stock price drop!

Investors in Taiwan stocks are narrow-minded. As long as the stock price falls, they will point the finger at foreign capital, blame foreign capital for hype! What I want to ask is why are they all dumb when the stock price soars? Foreign capital holds about 40% of Taiwan’s stocks. If there is no foreign capital investment, how can Taiwan’s capital alone promote the rise of Taiwan stocks? Taiwanese investors are accustomed to two sets of standards. When you take advantage of it, you keep silent and take it for granted.

This set of thesis will make people laugh out loud when used in the US stock market! Foreign funds account for half of the U.S. stock market. Do Americans have to blame the whole world for the money flowing into U.S. stocks every time there is a crash?

When market falling, ask pension funds to rescue

Similar to the previous point, as long as the stock market falls, Taiwan stock investors put pressure on the government, asking the government to use the four major funds composed of the public pension to enter the market to buy stocks to rescue the market. The point is that the government is happy to do so, in the name of reflecting public opinion.

But the truth is that not every Taiwanese owns stocks, and only half of the population holds Taiwan stock accounts. This is obviously the generosity of the whole people, bullying the people who do not have stocks. Moreover, the four major funds have been involved in countless fraud cases or scandals for a long time, and their performance is also unsatisfactory. Investors who expect the four major funds to buy Taiwan stocks at the lowest point may be out of luck!

There is no similar funds in the United States? American pension funds have independent committees to management. The government has no say in it, and the federal government has no right to intervene in the pension funds of various public, non-governmental organizations, and private enterprises. There is no such thing as pension funds to rescue the market, and the US stock market is huge in value, and it is impossible to be rescued by a few funds.

Habitually see the world from Taiwan

Taiwanese have a narrow vision

Taiwanese are generally narrow-minded and ignorant of facts. Please note that this has nothing to do with education background, official position, occupation, age, or social prestige. Everything is only considered from the perspective of Taiwan, ignoring the vastness of the outside world, denying the progress of other countries, and inwardly reluctant to accept the fact that those who were regarded as backward countries in the past are now surpassing Taiwan.

What Taiwanese thought in the mind was that at best, only the United States is qualified to win Taiwan, and this kind of kindergarten-like insight is everywhere. Just like the ostrich and Ah Q, living in the age of the Four Asian Dragon 30 years ago that is no longer exist now.

The government, most media, and the industry will only brag and fool the ignorant Taiwanese. People are accustomed to reporting good news but not bad news. Most Taiwanese have long been immersed in illusory slogans, self-hypnotized, and can’t come up with anything new at all, or industrial policy, let us gradually lose our competitiveness year by year.

Taiwan used to be the twelfth largest foreign trade country in the world in the era of the Asian Dragons 30 or 40 years ago. Except for Japan, Taiwan’s national strength is ahead of all Asian countries. This is a fact, but it happened more than 30 years ago. Now even many countries in Southeast Asia will sooner or later surpass Taiwan (Indonesia’s total GDP already surpassed Taiwan’s); Hong Kong and Singapore’s per capita GDP surpassed Taiwan’s about 20 years ago, and they are not on the same order of magnitude as Taiwan. Japan and South Korea are similar to Taiwan, with a small gap.

Taiwan has not developed any strong enough new industries in the past 30 years. It has missed the globalized industrial chain changes, the rise of the mainland China, and new industrial development that have occurred during the past couple of decades.

It has been stopped 30 years ago. The whole country will only be able to live on electronic foundry industry that Taiwanese ancestors created 3 decades ago, and will only enjoy the TSMC (ticker: TSM) and science parks established during the martial law period. If there was no such foresight at that time, what would Taiwan be like now? Taiwanese only want to enjoy a small fortune, feel good about themselves; turn brainwashed wrong ideas into truth, and no fact is allowed to be tell here.

You may ask, what does this have to do with investing in U.S. stocks? The relationship is very big. Thirty years ago, there should be not many retail investors in Taiwan investing in US stocks. The software has not been cloud-based, no mobile phones, no electric vehicles, no internet, no mobile payment, and no 5G. But in the past three decades, the main driving force for the rise of the global stock market is these revolution, but which one is driven by Taiwan? Why is the U.S. stock market rising more violently in comparison? Ask yourself, why do you want to invest in US stocks?

Stop bragging “mountain of protection of the country (護國神山)”

Don’t fall in love with stocks, don’t invest in a company because of religion-like belief. In the past 30 years in Taiwan, there has only been one company that Taiwanese can talk about and can barely be called a world-class company. It is human nature to add icing on the cake, so the whole people started to apotheosize TSMC and invent the phrase of “mountain of protection of the country” in the mouth of the media. Has anyone heard of “mountain of protection of the country” for United States, for Germany, or for China? Never, because by Taiwanese standards, they have too many comapnies they can choose from; unlike Taiwan, there is only one.

Thirty years ago, who heard of TSMC? When my classmate graduated from engineering school, he told me to work at TSMC, but no classmates knew what company this was (Here’s how he described the company at the time: Produce white-label wafers and ship them with the customer’s mark, or produce chips for customers. I think thirty years later, it’s still pretty relevant.) Because the “mountain of protection of the country” for Taiwan thirty years ago was Formosa Plastics!

Never benchmark US stocks using TSMC

It is a fact that TSMC is a good company. But this is compared with other Taiwanese companies, if it is in terms of U.S. stocks, regardless of any evaluation indicators. In terms of stock price return alone, there are hundrends companies that are better than TSMC. Frankly speaking, only the total market capitalization can be regarded as better. But market capitalization is only one of dozens of indicators to evaluate stocks. In other indicators, TSMC is not particularly prominent.

Investors should not forget that TSMC has only attracted the attention of U.S. stock investors in less than a decade. Moreover, in evaluating listed companies, financial indicators are not all, and other non-quantitative indicators are more important (see my other article “Non-quantitative factors determine success or failure of an investment“). According to my book “The Rules of 10 Baggers“, without setting any screening conditions, in the past 30 years, there are 852 stocks listed on the US stock market that have more than 100 times of return. TSMC is just one of them, 149 times, which is not excellent by any means.

The statement of the above fact, I am quite sure that it will cause a fire, causing most Taiwan stock investors to feel unhappy. There are many reasons; for example, many Taiwan investors hold TSMC stock, and as of October 7, 2022, the number of TSMC shareholders has reached 1,418,820 (around 13% of all Taiwanese with stock trading account). Any negative remarks about TSMC will be attacked or regarded as bad-mouthing, and it is not even possible to state the facts (this is the current situation in Taiwan!). Investors tend to have the mentality of arrogance and cannot tolerate any non-advocacy of TSMC.

Not only that, Taiwan stock investors are examining U.S.-listed companies, and they always use TSMC’s stock to benchmark other U.S.-listed companies. This sounds incredible, doesn’t it? But Taiwanese investors do not think they have any bias. If evaluating other semiconductor-related companies in the U.S. stock market, it might make sense.

However, too many examples have proved that Taiwanese investors use TSMC to benchmark the stocks of almost all industries in the U.S. stock market. Even taking TSMC to evaluate software stocks in the US stock market is simply as unreasonable as comparing apples to oranges. You don’t believe it! Many investment forum readers leave comments, and many Taiwanese financial media have many ready-made live examples. You might think this is prejudice or a minority. My opinion is just the opposite. I think it is the majority view of Taiwanese investors, not the minority.

Because Taiwanese investors are in Taiwan, most of the people around them use the stock evaluation method I described above, because almost everyone is doing this, and no one will notice anything wrong. But if you discuss U.S. stock-listed companies with Chinese, Americans, or Germans, and consciously state with the prejudice of the previous paragraphs, the foreigner on the other end of the phone will think it is extremely incredible or unbelievable. But trust me, Taiwanese investors don’t think like anything wrong. In my books and articles, I often emphasize that “In the stock market, the opinions of the masses are often blind and unaware.” This is a very typical example.

The way Taiwanese think

Eastern and Western people have significant differences in fundamental values and business operations. Influenced by Chinese culture, Taiwan has many feel-good attributes ingrained in it:

Obedience to authority: From childhood in school, out of society, at work, and even in life, we are used to listening to the top supervisor of the unit for everything big and small. As long as this person speaks out, all opposition voices will disappear, and we can only follow the order. Everyone will also obey automatically, which is an automatic reaction deep in the heart. This is why Taiwan is clinging to ODMs and foundry business model, clinging to hardware manufacturing thinking, militarized management outsourcing, squeezing costs, and a sweaty working environment. Taiwanese can do better than Westerners, and Taiwanese still complacent and don’t think there is anything wrong with it. This is really one of the root causes.

Worship of experts and celebrities: Because of obeying authority in any means, thinking is not encouraged, and most people are too lazy to think. Taiwanese hope to have a unified opinion in everything, and believe that there will be answers and formulas for everything in the world. What experts say must be correct. Celebrities and the media are right that this can be fundamentally negative for investing. I have an article “Investors should stop worshiping celebrities“, which is mainly about this topic.

Encourage gregariousness and mediocrity: Thinking is discouraged and dissent is not allowed, which is a common problem in the global workplace; the result of all this is the formation of a single value, fear of being different, and mediocrity. Coupled with the unique habits of Taiwanese who are deeply influenced by the Chinese culture, this situation is exacerbated. The environment does not allow, and few people are willing to form different ways of thinking. This is why I had a blog post before, “Workplace skills doesn’t help much in investment

Haters and brainwashing culture are rampant: the negative impact of the internet, social network, and mobile computing, I personally think that Taiwan has been brought into full play. The result is not allowing the truth to be told, stifling dissidents, cyberbullying, point to a deer, call it a horse — deliberately misrepresent, aimlessly attacking others and making blackmail irresponsible; all of our traditional good culture and values have collapsed in recent years. And this phenomenon is also fully reflected in investment behavior. I previously published a blog article “Haters, the cancer of modern society”, which talked about this topic.

These characteristics will greatly hinder the success or failure of investment. In these characteristics, there is actually only one thing in common, which is the lack of the ability to think independently.

Investing is a subjective world, and there will be no standard answers at all.

Stock evaluation

Revenue and P/S are the valuation root

Revenue is the foundation of U.S. stock valuation. I emphasized over and over again this as a key point in both the “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing” and “The Rules of 10 Baggers“. The importantce of revenue, I can’t stress it enough. I suggest you find time. Check out the relevant chapters in these two books; because it’s so important!

Revenue is the foundation of U.S. stock valuation, especially the following:

  • The following from the “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing“:
    • Pages 269-270 of Section 4-2: Revenue
    • Pages 289-290 of Section 4-3: Price to revenue ratio
    • Page 342 of Sections 5-3: Price to Revenue Ratio

The entire subsection 6-2 of “The Rules of 10 Baggers“: Revenue and price to revenue ratio.

What if the business has no revenue? How should investors value it? Investors in Taiwan stocks have not thought about this issue, because there will be no such companies listed on Taiwan stocks. But in the U.S. stock market, too many companies go public without revenue.

Earnings and P/E ratios can be misleading

I once wrote an article “Valuation methods significant different between US and Taiwan investors“, which shocked many readers. The main purpose is that revenue is the foundation of U.S. stock valuation, not earnings.

Free cash flow is the determinant of whether a business can survive, not earnings! But I believe that most Taiwanese investors have never thought about why? Because most financial media, financial reports, and investment books in Taiwan “only” calculate stock prices based on earnings and price-to-earnings ratios; completely ignore the existence of stock price-to-revenue ratios, or other metrics.

This is, in fact, a horribly wrong, highly unprofessional view. Because between free cash flow and earnings, there are too many legal financial adjustment methods that can be used, and earnings are used to determine whether a company is profitable, whether it has prospects, and whether it is worth investing in. In the US stock market, it is obviously easy to be biased.

The price-earnings ratio is still very important, but it is not the whole of the valuation. This is the first lesson that Taiwanese investors must relearn before stepping into the US stock market.

Extreme exclusion of loss-making companies

The investment premise of excluding companies that are losing money and putting them all into the cold palace may be an unwritten standard for filtering stocks in Taiwan stocks, but this move may not work in the US stock market, because it is completely different from your perception.

Companies and small stocks that have just been listed on the US stock market will hardly have any earnings, that is to say, most of the listed companies in the US stock market are actually loss-making companies. 81% of the companies listed on the US stock market in past two dacads are loss-making companies.

That is to say, most of the listed companies in the U.S. stock market are actually loss-making companies. If you reject all loss-making companies, you will miss a lot of future stars, that is, the final 10 Baggers or 100 Baggers stocks, because most companies that have just been listed on the U.S. stock market are loss-making companies. Many of the companies listed on the U.S. stock market that you are now familiar with were suffering losses for many years when they were listed, and they later became profitable companies.

Investors please remember: the vast majority of listed companies are loss-making; corporate losses are the norm! For details, please refer to the explanation of my other blog post “Money-losing companies in the US stock market has always been the norm“.

Capital operation

Investors in Taiwan stocks generally underestimate the influence of capital operations on stock prices. One of the reasons is that Taiwan’s financial environment is famous for its long-term closure and backwardness in the world. It is recommended that you refer to my detailed description of capital operations in the entire subsections 6-7 of the book “The Rules of 10 Baggers“.


Taiwan-listed companies are not enthusiastic about share repurchases, but capital reduction, a capital operation method that is more beneficial to major shareholders, is popular. Share repurchase is one of the key factors driving the rise of U.S. stocks. For details, please refer to my other blog article “Share repurchase keep share price underpinned“.

Cash dividend

Dividends in U.S. stocks refer to cash dividends, most of which are paid quarterly and usually increase year by year, without significant fluctuations, or even sudden surges or deletions, which are common in Taiwan stocks.

Moreover, U.S. stocks distribute cash dividends quarterly, and some also distribute dividends monthly; unlike most Taiwanese companies, which distribute dividends annually.

I suggest you to refer to my previous article “Dividend-rich industries and 6 big differences from Taiwan“.

Stock split

There is no stock split mechanism in Taiwan stocks. Twenty years ago, most companies in Taiwan stocks distributed cash dividends and stock dividends in parallel. But now Taiwan stocks, with the exception of banking stocks and a few companies, are dominated by cash dividends.

U.S. stocks are completely different. The stock dividends of U.S. stocks are achieved through stock splits. Stock splits are very important in U.S. stocks. You can refer to my other two blog articles “The valuation influence of stock liquidity and stock split on listed companies” and “Why stock split? the strong reasons and impacts“, for the introduction of stock split and impact.

Moreover, “Stock split is a long-term stock bullish signal with brilent outlook“; this point cannot be judged in Taiwan stocks (because Taiwan stocks do not have a stock split mechanism), but it is very important in US stocks.


Fame and performance are two different things

Most investors don’t know what they want? don’t know their investment goals (please note: answering wanting to make money, the standard knee-jerk response like this is not a reasonable goal, what we want is to answer how much money do you think you will make in the rest of your life? Why is this number? Is it reasonable? What is the basis?), and don’t know what kind of performance is reasonable; therefore, the market is full of so-called investment teachers who can talk about good stocks and have eloquence, but they can’t show the actual performance of their investment career. Do you know why you watch his financial shows? How is his career investment performance?

I dare to say responsibly that most of the so-called well-known teachers in the investment world that most investors in Taiwan are familiar with cannot show the complete performance of their investment career; and most of their performance is worse than that of the broader stock market index. This is why I once post the article “A investor can be sustained or not? how to verify? 3 criteria to inspect

If most of the time is spent on TV recording, filming online celebrity films, and appearing on financial talk shows; will you have time to research listed companies? Investors have thought about those who have no time to conduct research, what is their investment thesis based? How reliable are their words? This is a very basic logical question and does not require deep knowledge.

As a result, most Taiwan stock investors frantically chase and join various famous investment consultants, just because this person is famous and often appears in the media, but they never ask themselves the most basic question. How has the person’s investment career performance been? Why should I follow this famous investor? Forget that I want to invest to make money, not to chase a pop stars. In investment, fame is not equal to performance, but most people ignore this fundamental question. It causes most people to waste time doing unnecessary things, and absorb wrong investment concepts for a long time without knowing it.

That’s why I included sections 1-5, pages 64-66 of my book”The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing“, and sections 1-2, pages 33-35, of my book “The Rules of 10 Baggers“. They will remind investors how to select successful investors who are trustworthy and allow you to learn.

Please remember that there is only one most objective and reasonable measure of actual performance in an investment career: annualized rate of return (IRR), which will be discussed later.

Few people are willing to invest for the long term

Taiwanese investors are generally short-sighted. Almost all Taiwanese online investment forums and financial media are full of bragging day-trading, technical analysis to guess share price or formula, touting, celebrities holding shares. Nobody care about the wealth of celebrities is not because of their investment achievements. Chasing the story of successfully betting on a single stock, the swarms of praise betting on shipping companies in 2021, and the Swing trading has almost become a consensus. I suggest you see my previous article “Why timing the market or band trading simply not work? ” on this topic.

Even though it is already 2022, U.S. stocks have existed for about 200 years, and Taiwan stocks have existed for about 60 years. Most Taiwanese investors still believe in their hearts that the stock market is a place to make quick money. Such a view will fundamentally affect every aspect of stock market investment, your investment decision making logic, and the amount of assets that can be accumulated in the end.

The most obvious result is that Taiwanese generally despise long-term investment, the most effective way of accumulating assets, which has been recognized by all investment masters. Taiwanese investors generally think that long-term investors are fools, just because they don’t want to spend time on research and think they are smarter than the market. I don’t want to grow up with excellent companies, and I have no patience.

Long-term investment is the biggest advantage of stock market investment over other wealth management methods. For this topic, please refer to my two previous articles “Why long-term investment is better?” and “The Possibility of Long-Term Holding“.

Emphasis on dividends over capital gains

Long-term investors who have participated in the stock market know that the biggest advantage of the stock market over other wealth management method is that the long-term returns are better than those of the currency funds, the bond market, and the housing market; and the main source of returns in the stock market is capital gains, that is, the rising spread of stock prices, while not dividends.

Compared with most investors in Taiwan stocks. Most Taiwanese investors seem to have the exact opposite view. Because Taiwanese investors prefer high-dividend stocks over stocks that have to risk stock price volatility but may offer better long-term returns. This affects all Taiwan stock market companies competing to distribute high cash dividends. Make Taiwan stocks the top three to five markets in the world for higher cash dividends paid for a long time.

Due to the sharp drop in TSMC’s stock price this year, from time to time, many so-called well-known Taiwanese stock analysts keep blasting TSMC, believing that TSMC’s yield rate is too low. However, TSMC is also listed on the U.S. stock market. In terms of TSMC’s cash dividend yield of 2.5%, it is considered a very high level in the U.S. stock market.

It is common sense that American technology stocks rarely find golden dividends. Higher-market-valued semiconductor stocks are an exception, 2.5% of the semiconductor stocks in the US stock market is already much above the average. I don’t know what to complain about. What’s more, TSMC has fallen by as much as 55% this year, which has automatically increased the cash dividend yield by a large margin.

For the Yuanta 0050 ETF (aka S&P 500 for Taiwan Stock Exchange market) and Yuanta High Dividend 0056 ETF, which track the Taiwan stock market, the total return performance from 2012 to 2021 is 292% and 152.88%, respectively. However, the number of beneficiaries of 0056 in October 2022 was 815,000, surpassing Foxconn (Taiex code: 2317, ticker: HNHPF), and it was the top five holders of Taiwan stocks with a scale of NT$ 159.1 billion. But 0050 has only 154,000 beneficiaries, and the shareholders are vastly different. The main reason is 0056’s dividend yiled.

Year 202200500056
Number of shareholders154K815K
Total return performance from 2012 to 2021 292%152.88%
Dividend yiled4%8%

You can easily see from the table above that the total return of ETF 0050 is much greater than that of ETF 0056, and the difference between the two return is doubled. This is a huge gap! But this table fully proves Taiwanese investors’ view on wealth management and the serious shortsightedness and short-sightedness of Taiwanese investors.

As for how much Taiwan stock investors love Taiwan stock ETFs with high stocks and high dividends, please see the analysis in my other post for details: “5 high-yield ETFs in Taiwan, irreversible trends, and how much do Taiwanese like it?

Banking stocks become a must have for Taiwanese portfolio

It is extremely difficult to change the unique investment and wealth management views of Taiwanese. Taiwanese own banking stocks to receive stable dividends but ignore the possible decline in the principal invested, and ignore the fact that the price rise of banking stocks usually lags the market.

Almost half of the Taiwan stock investment books on the market, as well as financial media, forums, and investment internet celebrities, are talking about how to invest banking stocks and receive dividends, which is an extremely conservative investment method. Few are willing to put in the time, challenge active stock picking, spend time to do fundamental research, to harvest much higher total return. There is no reason for it, because there is a market, and there is a bit of viewing rate; the market creates demand.

However, this investment method has instead become the mainstream of Taiwanese investors. As much as half of Taiwan stock account holders hold banking stocks, which is a miracle in the world stock market. This investment method is only a little better than fixed deposits and money funds, but it still has to withstand the unfavorable factors of stock market volatility and collapse. Instead of investing in banking stocks, why not just buy ETFs tracking the broad market for less hassle and outperform banking stocks in the long run.

But Taiwanese investors don’t think this way, because the dividends of banking stocks are much higher, and even stock dividends are distributed as well; obviously, Taiwan stock investors are extremely short-sighted and generally see the trees but not the forest. Again, it is common knowledge that banking stocks share return lag behind the broad market in most of the time. This is the same basic common sense in global stock markets.

What I want to say is that invest banking stocks simply loses the fundamental meaning of participating in the stock market, but Taiwanese investors don’t seem to think so.

Closing words

No matter what asset you invest in, there is only one metric you need to focus on, and that is the long-term annualized rate of return (IRR); see my article, “Investors should care annualized rate of return (IRR), calculate with free IRR Calculator“. Don’t judge the success of investing in weeks, months, or a year or two. Investing is a marathon, a lifetime event.

I sincerely advise Taiwanese investors who want to invest in U.S. stocks to take a moment to read my two books “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing” and “The Rules of 10 Baggers“, which will be beneficial to your investment in U.S. stocks.

Then, completely put aside your experience and learning in Taiwan stocks, as well as various constraints on stocks in the past, otherwise you will invest in US stocks with the logic of investing in Taiwan stocks and the stock investment concepts you have learned deeply in Taiwan, and you will go a lot.

If you want to make a satisfactory return in the stock market, spend time doing basic research, and investing in a business worth investing in for a long time is the only way to go, there is no other way. Like wanting to make money but don’t want to spend time going to work and working hard; do you think this is reasonable?

Taiwanese stock investors

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