Stock Better than the S&P 500, Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Stocks Better than the S&P 500, Procter & Gamble (P&G) What I want to introduce today is a well-known company Procter & Gamble (ticker: PG) that I mentioned in the last section 5-6 of my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”.

How the best AAA credit rating Johnson & Johnson makes money?

Johnson & Johnson is a important US listed company. Moody’s has only awarded the highest AAA credit rating to three listed companies in the world. The other two are Microsoft and Apple, and only Johnson & Johnson is not a technology company.

How does Starbucks make money? and the current predicament

I mentioned in subsections 5-6 of the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing” that Starbucks has been confirmed to be successful, and the stock has been split 6 times so far.

How does Nike make money? The role model of growth stocks in non-tech industry

Nike, a role model of growth stocks in non-tech industry. Since I have described in detail how to screen for super growth stocks in the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, Chapter 5 of the book also mentioned that I own Nike (ticker: NKE) stock before, although I focus tech stocks on the book.

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