Dear Shareholder

After reading Dear Shareholder, I was reminded of “Outsiders” which I introduced on this blog.

Pros and cons of investing in Coca-Cola

Pros and cons of investing in Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola (ticker: KO) was founded in 1892 and listed on the US stock market in 1919. The sugar-sweetened beverages it produces have become well-known sodas in the world. Unlike smaller rival PepsiCo (ticker: PEP),

ROE, the most important management indicator

The Return On Equity (ROE) algorithm is “net profit after tax/shareholder equity × 100%”, which is one of the few financial figures that can be used to measure the operational performance of a company’s leadership team. It represents the efficiency of the company’s profit for shareholders, and it can also be said to measure the company’s overall capital utilization efficiency. Therefore, the higher the value, the better.

Why did Western hypermarket retailers retreat in China and Taiwan?

Why did Western hypermarket retailers retreat in China and Taiwan? After I published my first Costco post, a Singaporean investor asked this question on my English version of the post.

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