What company is Nubank owned by Buffett? How it makes money and its advantages?

If Nubank meets all conditions, the company continues to operate smoothly, and the overall environment in Latin America improves, perhaps Nubank “has a chance (but it may not happen)” to become Latin America’s version of Block (formerly known as Square, ticker: XYZ) Or the potential of PayPal (ticker: PYPL ).

Bill Gates’ Investment Empire

What I’m interested in is why Bill Gates can “long-term” dominate the top few in the world’s wealth list; and often return to the top of the list, which is extremely rare, and he should be the only one in the world’s wealth list with this ability

How Buffett Structures His Long-Term Investment Portfolio

In his 1996 shareholder letter, Buffett explained in great detail how he structured his long-term investment portfolio. Many of the contents of this letter have been quoted repeatedly so far, and it can be regarded as a very important shareholder letter.

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