ASIC market is getting bigger, and related listed companies in the US and Taiwan

650 Group estimates that the data center customized chip market will grow to $10 billion this year and double by 2025, while Needham analyst Charles Shi said that by 2023, broader customization ASIC market is worth approximately US$30 billion, accounting for approximately 5% of global annual chip sales.

Supermicro valuation is not justified and unsustanable, no worth for long-term holding at current level

Supermicro has absolutely no autonomy in its business. It is a typical manufacturer that relies on others, that is, it can be choked by others at any time──Intel (ticker: INTC), Nvidia and AMD (ticker:AMD) If the three major chip manufacturers find a manufacturer with higher cooperation and lower assembly prices, they may be in trouble at any time.

Stock split is a long-term stock bullish signal with brilent outlook

Stock split is a long-term stock bullish signal with brilent outlook, My previous articles in 5-5 of the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing” and my blog post of “Why stock split? the strong reasons and impacts” and “The valuation influence of stock liquidity and stock split on listed companies”,

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