How Buffett Structures His Long-Term Investment Portfolio

In his 1996 shareholder letter, Buffett explained in great detail how he structured his long-term investment portfolio. Many of the contents of this letter have been quoted repeatedly so far, and it can be regarded as a very important shareholder letter.

Stock Better than the S&P 500, Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Stocks Better than the S&P 500, Procter & Gamble (P&G) What I want to introduce today is a well-known company Procter & Gamble (ticker: PG) that I mentioned in the last section 5-6 of my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”.

Pros and cons of investing in Coca-Cola

Pros and cons of investing in Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola (ticker: KO) was founded in 1892 and listed on the US stock market in 1919. The sugar-sweetened beverages it produces have become well-known sodas in the world. Unlike smaller rival PepsiCo (ticker: PEP),

Costco moats, and the Differences from Other Competitors

This post will discuss Costco moat and the differences between Costco and other retail competitors. Please read the first the article I wrote a few days ago about Costco, “How does Costco make money?”.

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