How Buffett Structures His Long-Term Investment Portfolio

In his 1996 shareholder letter, Buffett explained in great detail how he structured his long-term investment portfolio. Many of the contents of this letter have been quoted repeatedly so far, and it can be regarded as a very important shareholder letter.

Stock Better than the S&P 500, Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Stocks Better than the S&P 500, Procter & Gamble (P&G) What I want to introduce today is a well-known company Procter & Gamble (ticker: PG) that I mentioned in the last section 5-6 of my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”.

Pros and cons of investing in Coca-Cola

Only 20 years ago, peers PepsiCo’s were much smaller than Coca-Cola, but now Pepsi’s annual revenue is much larger than Coca-Cola’s, and its revenue in 2021 is only 48.64% of PepsiCo’s, less than half. Coca-Cola began to diversify its products fifty or sixty years ago, but now it has proved a complete failure.

Costco moats, and the Differences from Other Competitors

This post will discuss Costco moat and the differences between Costco and other retail competitors. Please read the first the article I wrote a few days ago about Costco, “How does Costco make money?”.

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