Stock repurchase is the most typical and most effective method of capital operation. The total stock repurchase amount of US$16 billion accounts for approximately 50% of the company’s total market value when GM announces this plan in November 2023.
Tag: GM
Wolfspeed, the upstar of gen 3 semiconductor
Wolfspeed, the upstar of 3rd gen semiconductor
How does Tesla make money?
All the fundamental information you should know to invest Tesla.
The commonalities of Buffett portfolio – cheap, fixed income, repurchase
I recently took a general look at Buffett portfolio , and I made some big discoveries. Buffett basically only invests in companies with fixed cash flow income. He likes companies that actively implement stock repurchases. Almost every shareholding has dividends. He likes cheap companies.
Indians do well in the US, India’s weak and uncompetitive industries
Indians do well in the US, but Indian industries are uncompetitive
Tesla has lost edge in China
Tesla has lost advantages, the possible ending of electric vehicles industry. The market can speak. In the bull market, most technology stocks and large stocks have hit record highs.