Gilead, lord of antiviral drug, reveals world’s first AIDS vaccine

In addition to remdesivir, Gilead also holds other ace drugs of antiviral drugs, including the world’s first oral compound single-pill preparation and the first vaccine for a complete treatment regimen for HIV (AIDS) infection; the world’s first vaccine that can cure chronic type C Oral medications for hepatitis C (HCV); and several medications that can help effectively control chronic hepatitis B (HBV).

How does the all-powerful Huawei make money?

No company in modern corporate history has ever won this honor. You can imagine the importance of this enterprise. The United States has discovered the signs of Huawei’s development. For the first time in history, the Department of Defense replaced the Department of Commerce to supervise Huawei.

Current progress of hydrogen energy and relevant companies

Since hydrogen does not emit carbon dioxide, it is also one of the strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industries such as long-distance trucking, maritime freight and air travel.

Low-orbit satellites (LOS) progress, relevant companies

Low-orbit satellite (LOS) launches are represented by projects such as Starlink and OneWeb

Carbon capture current developments, prospects, and related companies

Carbon capture technology is a profitable business, coupled with the support of climate change by laws, tax laws, subsidies, etc. around the world; and the mandatory disclosure of ESG principles by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and stock market authorities in various countries, carbon capture prospects are beyond doubt.

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