ASIC market is getting bigger, and related listed companies in the US and Taiwan

650 Group estimates that the data center customized chip market will grow to $10 billion this year and double by 2025, while Needham analyst Charles Shi said that by 2023, broader customization ASIC market is worth approximately US$30 billion, accounting for approximately 5% of global annual chip sales.

How does BYD make money? Why it beat Tesla? Sweeping the global EV market

Due to geopolitical risks and the United States’ anti-China policy and decoupling from China in various fields, BYD may become another target of embargo, retaliation, or containment by the United States after Huawei.

How does the all-powerful Huawei make money?

No company in modern corporate history has ever won this honor. You can imagine the importance of this enterprise. The United States has discovered the signs of Huawei’s development. For the first time in history, the Department of Defense replaced the Department of Commerce to supervise Huawei.

Why is AMD’s performance so jaw-dropping?

The market has strong demand for artificial intelligence chips, and AMD’s newly released artificial intelligence chip MI 300 series products are regarded as another option to break Nvidia’s monopoly in this area, and have won immediate purchase order from several of the largest customers in the market.

Low-orbit satellites (LOS) progress, relevant companies

Low-orbit satellite (LOS) launches are represented by projects such as Starlink and OneWeb

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