M&A options’ taxation, accounting items, and rights and obligations arrangements

In Buffett’s 1999 shareholder letter (the content in italics in this article), he spent a lot of space explaining to investors the taxation, accounting items, and rights and obligations of many corporate M&A options.

Berkshire’s acquisition model

In Berkshire’s (ticker: BRK.A and BRK.B) shareholder letter in 1995, Buffett fully explained Berkshire’s acquisition model in detail: Minority or full ownership Charlie Munger, Berkshire’s Vice Chairman and my partner, and I want to build a collection of companies – both wholly- and partly-owned – that have excellent economic characteristics and that are run by … Continue reading “Berkshire’s acquisition model”

Investment mistakes Buffett made in his first 25 years

In Berkshire’s shareholder letter in 1989, Buffett summarized the major investment mistakes he made in the first 25 years of his investment career. , These mistakes he admits will be very inspiring and practical to investors. Berkshire My first mistake, of course, was in buying control of Berkshire. Though I knew its business – textile … Continue reading “Investment mistakes Buffett made in his first 25 years”

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