Why is stock investment a better way to manage money?

This article will tell you from the most vernacular and ordinary people’s point of view, using the most concise reasons: why stock investment is the better way of financial management for modern people?

Sloth is a great virtue in stock investment

Buffet’s view in shareholder letters Buffett is a big advocate of inaction. In his 1996 letter, he explains why: almost every investor in the markets is better served by buying a few reliable stocks and holding on to them long-term rather than trying to time their buying and selling with market cycles. “The art of investing in … Continue reading “Sloth is a great virtue in stock investment”

Two or three stocks in your life can make you very rich

I have repeatedly emphasized in the 4-3 of my book “The Rules of 10 Baggers” and 1-5 in the “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing“, as well as in the blog: “An investor only needs to choose two or three stocks in his life. Can make you very rich; without holding too many stocks, … Continue reading “Two or three stocks in your life can make you very rich”

Richer, Wiser, Happier

Richer, Wiser, Happier. You may have read a lot of reviews of this book “Richer, Wiser, Happier”, but I’m going to talk about this book in a different way and from a different perspective.

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