Luck does play an important role in success, but it is definitely not the most critical or important “determining” factor – this is the reason for whether a person can be successful in life.
Category: Investing Behavior
Should ETF Investors buy regularly or arbitraly? Which one is better?
Should ETF Investors buy regularly or arbitraly? In case the stock market fall really meets the market lows observed above, or really meets the entry criteria you set yourself; even when the stock market is usually flat. Then what should be the way to enter the procurement?
Investing is not voting
Investing is not voting, mentioned the phrase “investing is not voting” in three places in my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”: 1-5, 5-4, and postscript.
How to deal with market crash or sharp pullback?
How to deal with market crash or sharp pullback? At present, many investors have a common problem.
Patience, an indispensable element of investment success
Patience, an indispensable element of investment success, “The big money is not in the buying and selling, but in the waiting,” Munger once said.
The main investment principles of successful investors are similar
The main investment principles of successful investors are similar. Buffett once lamented that “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” I personally think that this is also the biggest investment defect committed by most investors (especially younger investors). I wrote at the beginning of 1-1 in my book
Mistakes of omission and mistakes of commission
Buffett explained “I’ve made all kinds of bad decisions that have cost us billions of dollars. They’ve been mistakes of omission and mistakes of commission.
Investing has no formulas, but there are ways to invest successfully
There are ways to invest successfully, but there can be no formulas. This post will repeatedly quote the words in my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, and the words in the book referred to are my book.
Misunderstanding of price and value
Misunderstanding of price and value. The difference between price and value is the first lesson for all investors. As I said in section 5-2 of the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, most people incline to buy penny stocks, thinking that low-priced stocks have more room to rise in the future and are less risky. In fact, the risk is relatively high.
Why people with high IQ prone invest failed?
Why people with high IQ prone invest failed. In stock investment, temperament is the final decisive factor, not intelligence and IQ, nor the amount of funds. I certainly know that most people may disagree with my statement, but I’m just telling the truth that people don’t want to admit, let alone say.