Andy Lin’s long-term investment experience sharing: Rarely trade, Concentrated investment, Investor rewards, Great companies are rare, The power of compound interest, Patience payoff, Simple is truth
Category: Investing Principles
Duan Yongping’s investment empire and his BBK Group(Oppo, Vivo, One Plus, J&T Express, Realme)
Almost no Taiwanese have heard of Duan Yongping, but it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a household name in Chinese circles outside Taiwan, especially in the business and investment circles.
When to Sell Stocks
When to Sell Stocks Won’t Be Easier Than Buying
Richer, Wiser, Happier
Richer, Wiser, Happier. You may have read a lot of reviews of this book “Richer, Wiser, Happier”, but I’m going to talk about this book in a different way and from a different perspective.
The simpler the investment, the better
The simpler the investment, the better, Buffett’s most philosophical quote, In my previous introduction to subsections 1-1 at the beginning of Chapter 1 of my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, I used a famous quote from Buffett’s influential philosophy in the field of investing,
The main investment principles of successful investors are similar
The main investment principles of successful investors are similar. Buffett once lamented that “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” I personally think that this is also the biggest investment defect committed by most investors (especially younger investors). I wrote at the beginning of 1-1 in my book
What should a great investment philosophy include?
What should a investment philosophy include? I found that investment books and media in Taiwan like to use the four words “investment method of mentality”. Mainland China, Hong Kong, or the United States are not like Taiwan.