You can “Dream big and Win” also

In “Dream big and Win”, Elting reveals practical and inspirational techniques you can implement immediately, teaching why success is more than just acquiring and wielding power. Elting shows you that to reach your highest potential, you need to go above and beyond. In her honest and often humorous narrative, Elting explains why actions speak louder than words, and why actions always eclipse dreams.

Do it right a few times in your lifetime is enough

Do it right a few times in your lifetime is enough, Good investments are very rare, I quoted Charlie Munger, “Good investments are very ‘rare’, and when this once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity presents itself, you have to bet all your chips.” in my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”

Twitter acquisition is a modern version of ‘Barbarians at the Door’

Twitter acquisition is a modern-day version of ‘Barbarians at the Door’, First of all, if you haven’t read “Barbarians at the Gate”, which is regarded as the most classic Wall Street M&A and business war related books or movies in history, please find time to read it.

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