How does Texas Instruments make money? Amazing long term capital reward and company net profit margin!

Take Texas Instruments (aka TI, ticker: TXN) as an example; this company was founded earlier than Intel (ticker: INTC), for Intel, I suggest you refer to my previous blog post “How Does Intel Make Money? And the Benefits of Investing in It”

For Taiwanese stock investors investing in U.S. stocks

Nine out of ten Taiwanese stock investors who invest in US stocks are experienced investors in Taiwan stocks, and they are investors who have only invested in US stocks in recent years.

Should ETF Investors buy regularly or arbitraly? Which one is better?

Should ETF Investors buy regularly or arbitraly? In case the stock market fall really meets the market lows observed above, or really meets the entry criteria you set yourself; even when the stock market is usually flat. Then what should be the way to enter the procurement?

Richer, Wiser, Happier

Richer, Wiser, Happier. You may have read a lot of reviews of this book “Richer, Wiser, Happier”, but I’m going to talk about this book in a different way and from a different perspective.

Possibility of long-term holdings, Deep dive on Buffett’s case

Possibility of long-term holdings, Many friends have read my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing” and my blog, and they all feel the same way about long-term investing.

Why timing the market or band trading simply not work?

Regardless of individual stock investment or ETF, band trade, timing the market, or speculation on the market, choose the time to enter and exit the stock market, so as to accurately grasp the maximum profit potentia

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