High growth country generally have poor stock returns

In developing countries, high growth country, many profitable, large-scale, and monopolistic companies are state-owned or even unlisted companies. If companies that benefit from economic growth are not listed on the market and shared with the majority of shareholders, it will be difficult for the stock market to reflect the fruits of the country’s economic growth.

Why market fall after Q2 2024 earning report?

Except for a few companies, such as Apple, Meta, PayPal, Shopify, and MercadoLibre  , most of the US listed companies have Q2 earning reports were generally poor. What’s more important: Most companies’ financial forecasts are disappointing, exacerbating market concerns, which is more lethal to stock prices than the results of quarterly earnings reports that have already occurred.

Why are only US stocks the most valuable for long-term investment?

The factors that many investors worry about listed in this article will not cause too much harm to the long-term investment value of US stocks.

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