Robot industry current status and application

The International Federation of Robotics predicts that the global robot market will reach US$66 billion by 2024. Global industrial robot sales are expected to exceed 590,000 units in 2023. The average annual compound growth rate from 2023 to 2026 is expected to reach 7%, and sales are expected to increase to 718,000 units.

Artificial intelligence (AI) benefits industries

This article will discuss the industries and manufacturers that have benefited significantly from the trend of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the past year and a half in the short term.

How did three listed companies make money after GE spinoff? What are the prospects?

GE was founded in 1878 by Thomas Alva Edison, who invented the electric light and many other commodities. It is one of the few companies in the U.S. stock market that has been listed for more than a century. It can be said to be the pride of American industry and a symbol of comprehensive national strength.

How does BYD make money? Why it beat Tesla? Sweeping the global EV market

Due to geopolitical risks and the United States’ anti-China policy and decoupling from China in various fields, BYD may become another target of embargo, retaliation, or containment by the United States after Huawei.

How does the all-powerful Huawei make money?

No company in modern corporate history has ever won this honor. You can imagine the importance of this enterprise. The United States has discovered the signs of Huawei’s development. For the first time in history, the Department of Defense replaced the Department of Commerce to supervise Huawei.

How does Lockheed Martin, the lord of arms, make money?

Introduction Company history Lockheed. Martin (ticker: LMT) is an American aerospace manufacturer that was formed in 1995 through the merger of Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta Corporation. Lockheed. Martin is world-famous for developing and manufacturing military aircraft, and its products are used by many countries. The world’s largest arms dealer Lockheed Martin is the world’s … Continue reading “How does Lockheed Martin, the lord of arms, make money?”

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