The reasons behind Broadcom share price consistantly outperformance

“99% of all internet traffic crosses through some type of Broadcom technology”, Broadcom said. The reason behind the long-term continued outperformance of Broadcom share price is that I vote for Broadcom CEO Hock E. Tan.

Artificial intelligence (AI) benefits industries

This article will discuss the industries and manufacturers that have benefited significantly from the trend of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the past year and a half in the short term.

Major artificial intelligence companies in US stocks market

Generative artificial intelligence, Barriers to Entry Are Too High

Why Shopify is so killing?

The problem is there are hundreds of listed e-commerce companies in the world. But why only Shopify can suddenly emerge and let Bezos of Amazon target it as the only competitor?

Why Adobe’s Figma Acquisition Caused Upheaval

Adobe’s Figma M&A Caused Upheaval, In addition to software engineers, project managers, sales and marketing staff also use this product. Therefore, the scope of use and influence is expanding day by day.

And it is not only used by the software industry on a daily basis, but also used by the publishing industry, the multimedia industry, and almost all walks of life.

There are indeed monopoly in this world

There are indeed monopoly in this world, Buffett said that a moat is the competitiveness of a business economy. Most companies have many competitors because a profitable industry attracts competitors to join in for a piece of the pie.

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