What should a great investment philosophy include?

What should a investment philosophy include? I found that investment books and media in Taiwan like to use the four words “investment method of mentality”. Mainland China, Hong Kong, or the United States are not like Taiwan.

After investing loss, the disgusting behavior

Disgusting behavior after investing loss. A few days ago, I heard a host reveal that a female financial anchor recently complaints (this makes me recommend you to read my other general article “Investors should stop worshiping celebrities”) ;

Investors should choose media Wisely

Investors should choose Media Wisely, Because the influence of the media is too strong, and investors need to absorb new knowledge and necessary knowledge, various media access is an inevitable way for investors.

Invest success depends on less chance of making mistakes

Invest success depends on less chance of making mistakes, For the definition of risk, I think Buffett’s statement is the most appropriate: “the possibility of loss or injury.” (from: BRK Annual Meeting 1994) and “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” 

The importance of circle of competence

Circle of competence. Since Buffett and Munger proposed that investors should pay attention to and limit their investment scope within their own ability circle (in fact, Peter Lin District has also mentioned similar views, interested readers can look at my blog for his book I wrote a brief introduction

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