Investing has no formulas, but there are ways to invest successfully

There are ways to invest successfully, but there can be no formulas. This post will repeatedly quote the words in my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, and the words in the book referred to are my book.

What should a great investment philosophy include?

What should a investment philosophy include? I found that investment books and media in Taiwan like to use the four words “investment method of mentality”. Mainland China, Hong Kong, or the United States are not like Taiwan.

The significant valuation impact of diversity to listed companies

The valuation impact of diversity to listed companies. I have always emphasized in the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investingrowth Stock Investment Rules” that investors do not like all kinds of uncertainties.

How to research successful investment masters?

How to research successful investment masters? Reading biographies of great or successful people is one of the most effective ways for us to succeed in the future. Everyone knows that when reading biographies, we hope to explore the real reasons behind their success, not the story itself (this is the result). There is no difference in investment.

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