M&A options’ taxation, accounting items, and rights and obligations arrangements

In Buffett’s 1999 shareholder letter (the content in italics in this article), he spent a lot of space explaining to investors the taxation, accounting items, and rights and obligations of many corporate M&A options.

How does Exxon Mobil make money? the former market capitalization king

Exxon Mobil, the former market capitalization king, Company profile, ExxonMobil’s (ticker: XON) roots include Standard Oil of New Jersey, the largest and most powerful Rockefeller family. In 1998, Exxon merged with Mobil, formerly Standard Oil of New Jersey.

Twitter acquisition is a modern version of ‘Barbarians at the Door’

Twitter acquisition is a modern-day version of ‘Barbarians at the Door’, First of all, if you haven’t read “Barbarians at the Gate”, which is regarded as the most classic Wall Street M&A and business war related books or movies in history, please find time to read it.

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