The past and present of value investing

The past and present of value investing. A few days ago I published “Why I prefer growth stocks instead of value stocks?” In the article, based on readers’ responses, I think I still have to clarify my views on value investing to readers.

2020 market crash, why more retail investors than Wall Street made money?

Why more retail investors than Wall Street made money in 2020 market crash? The U.S. stock market crashed in 2020, although many Wall Street or investment experts usually educate everyone to take advantage of the stock market crash or a sharp pullback.

One Up on Wall Street, Peter Lynch’s great book for investing newbie

One Up on Wall Street. This is a book I often recommend “Primer books for investing in the Stock Market”, and the self-preface of the book is well written. The reasons to recommend Peter Lynch’s book “One Up on Wall Street” are as follows:

How to research successful investment masters?

How to research successful investment masters? Reading biographies of great or successful people is one of the most effective ways for us to succeed in the future. Everyone knows that when reading biographies, we hope to explore the real reasons behind their success, not the story itself (this is the result). There is no difference in investment.

Will the social network and fintech change stock investment?

Will the social network and fintech change stock investment? The rise of social network now allows news of the investment market to spread to all corners of the world in a short period of time.

The advantages of retail investors

The advantages of retail investors, I know that most people disagree with this title, which is why I want to write this article. I had doubts about this sentence before. I certainly agree that retail investors have some disadvantages when investing in the stock market (please refer to another article on my blog article “The disadvantages of retail investors”);

The great enviable advantages of young people investing in stock

The advantages of young people investing in stock. I recently shared my investment experience with a few young friends. These young friends of mine generally lament the long-term low pay and the hard-earned employment environment.

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