ASIC market is getting bigger, and related listed companies in the US and Taiwan

650 Group estimates that the data center customized chip market will grow to $10 billion this year and double by 2025, while Needham analyst Charles Shi said that by 2023, broader customization ASIC market is worth approximately US$30 billion, accounting for approximately 5% of global annual chip sales.

The rebirth and fall of 4 major technology stocks in 10 years

In this post, we’ll discuss the rebirth and fall of 4 technology stocks in 10 years.

Intel’s current difficult dilemma

Intel’s current difficult dilemma. At my book launch workshop get together a few days ago, lot of people concerned about the prospects of Intel (ticker: INTC).

How does Intel make money? and the benefits to invest in it

How does Intel make money? and the benefits to invest in it. A few days ago, I met with many friends at the new book launch meeting. The most I care about is the current situation of Intel (ticker: INTC) and the future prospects of the company

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