Only 20 years ago, peers PepsiCo’s were much smaller than Coca-Cola, but now Pepsi’s annual revenue is much larger than Coca-Cola’s, and its revenue in 2021 is only 48.64% of PepsiCo’s, less than half. Coca-Cola began to diversify its products fifty or sixty years ago, but now it has proved a complete failure.
Tag: DIS
Mistakes of omission and mistakes of commission
Buffett explained “I’ve made all kinds of bad decisions that have cost us billions of dollars. They’ve been mistakes of omission and mistakes of commission.
Outsiders, one of the greatest investment books for managment team
Outsiders, I recently re-read several investment books and found that one of them is worth recommending to everyone — “Outsiders”.
Why Fastly shutdown thousands websites but its stock soaring 11%?
Why Fastly shutdown thousands websites but its stock soaring 11%? Fastly (ticker: FSLY) made a software update error on the East Coast time of the United States on 6/8/2021, which caused 85% of its customer websites to hang. Although the problem was fixed two hours later, most of the customers’
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Why did Amazon acquire the film production company MGM? E-commerce giant Amazon (ticker: AMZN) has confirmed that it will spend US$8.45 billion to acquire film production company MGM Holdings
Why dividends disappeared suddenly these years?
Why do more and more US companies tend not to pay dividends?
Decisive factor for AT&T and Verizon stocks valuation
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