Pros and cons of investing in Coca-Cola

Only 20 years ago, peers PepsiCo’s were much smaller than Coca-Cola, but now Pepsi’s annual revenue is much larger than Coca-Cola’s, and its revenue in 2021 is only 48.64% of PepsiCo’s, less than half. Coca-Cola began to diversify its products fifty or sixty years ago, but now it has proved a complete failure.

Why Fastly shutdown thousands websites but its stock soaring 11%?

Why Fastly shutdown thousands websites but its stock soaring 11%? Fastly (ticker: FSLY) made a software update error on the East Coast time of the United States on 6/8/2021, which caused 85% of its customer websites to hang. Although the problem was fixed two hours later, most of the customers’

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