The importance of circle of competence

Circle of competence. Since Buffett and Munger proposed that investors should pay attention to and limit their investment scope within their own ability circle (in fact, Peter Lin District has also mentioned similar views, interested readers can look at my blog for his book I wrote a brief introduction

The biggest risk to hold Chinese stocks, taking Alibaba and Tencent as examples

The biggest risk to hold Chinese stocks, taking Alibaba and Tencent as examples

Non-quantitative factors determine success or failure of an investment

Non-quantitative factors determine success or failure of an investment. People overemphasize the importance of science and numbers in investment, as I mentioned in the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, section 1-1. Investment is a not a science but an art in the economic field under sociology, which is more related to humanities

Reading is irreplaceable and necessity of for investors

The Irreplaceable and Necessity of Reading for Investors. Books are the ladder of human progress. We have seen biographies or stories of great or successful people since we were young, and books will almost certainly be part of it.

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