There are indeed monopoly in this world

There are indeed monopoly in this world, Buffett said that a moat is the competitiveness of a business economy. Most companies have many competitors because a profitable industry attracts competitors to join in for a piece of the pie.

Is Microsoft’s personal computer computing department a tasteless one?

Microsoft’s personal computer computing department includes Windows, Surface devices, Xbox, games, search engine Bing.

How does Autodesk make money? Why is the stock price so amazing?

How does Autodesk make money? Why is the stock price so amazing? I used Autodesk (ADSK) and Adobe (ADBE) as examples when explaining corporate moats in subsections 2-3 of the book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”. About Adobe, you can refer to my two blog articles:

How Adobe makes money? irreplaceable undocumented standard

How Adobe makes money? I plan to write two articles to discuss Adobe, this is the first of them; the second article, “Adobe, a listed company with no strong competitors in its main business for a long time”, will be posted after it is written.

The lucrative semiconductor supply chain

The lucrative semiconductor supply chain

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