“One Up on Wall Street”, Peter Lynch’s great book for investing newbie

One Up on Wall Street. This is a book I often recommend “Primer books for investing in the Stock Market”, and the self-preface of the book is well written. The reasons to recommend Peter Lynch’s book “One Up on Wall Street” are as follows:

Has the moat of ubiquitous Visa and Mastercard credit card networks loosened?

Has the moat of the two major credit card networks loosened?

Why do many Chinese companies want to be US listed?

Why do many Chinese companies want to be US listed? According to statistics at the end of October 2020, there are 26 Chinese companies going to the U.S. for IPOs in 2020. Everyone must be very suspicious that China has its own three stock exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.

Why is Apple’s privacy policy so important?

Why is Apple’s privacy policy so important? Three years ago, Apple (ticker: AAPL) repeatedly rejected the request of the U.S. Department of Justice, choosing not to cooperate with law enforcement agencies to unlock the suspect’s iPhone,

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. The author T. Harv Eker said in the preface of this book, “It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “financial blueprint” is not “set” for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.”. He has summarized the book at beginning.

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