Price and stop loss – Ge Ba’s wonderful views continue

Ge Ba’s wonderful views on price and stop loss. Following Mr. Ge Ba’s previous article “Ge Ba’s wonderful views on price and stop loss”, he put forward a wonderful palindrome view on my previous article “The Misunderstanding of Price and Value”. Yesterday, thanks to his willingness to

Investing has no formulas, but there are ways to invest successfully

There are ways to invest successfully, but there can be no formulas. This post will repeatedly quote the words in my book “The Rules of Super Growth Stocks Investing”, and the words in the book referred to are my book.

Why people with high IQ prone invest failed?

Why people with high IQ prone invest failed. In stock investment, temperament is the final decisive factor, not intelligence and IQ, nor the amount of funds. I certainly know that most people may disagree with my statement, but I’m just telling the truth that people don’t want to admit, let alone say.

Investment knowledge required is breadth, not depth as most people think

Investment knowledge required is breadth, not depth as most people think. Why most engineers can’t get rich by investing?

Problems with Cigar Butt Investment

Cigar Butt Investment. Most investors who have a little research on Buffett may know that Buffett used his own investment in the early stage of his investment career, especially during the Warren Buffett partnership that had not yet established Berkshire (ticker:s: BRK.A and BRK.B), is his mentor Graham’s “Cigar Butt Investment Method” means:

What should a great investment philosophy include?

What should a investment philosophy include? I found that investment books and media in Taiwan like to use the four words “investment method of mentality”. Mainland China, Hong Kong, or the United States are not like Taiwan.

Tencent vs. Alibaba, part one

Tencent vs. Alibaba, What do western investors think of these two companies, These two stocks are of indescribable importance in terms of index (representing China’s economy and technology) or substantive (real shareholding purchase).

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